A quick post and run today as I am catching up on weddings from last year. Here are just few fave frames from Allison & Nick’s nuptials gorgeous Duke Chapel wedding with reception at University Club in Durham, NC. As I always say, very wedding has its own vibe and its own voice. A combination of the moody weather, the timing of the ceremony, and the classic look of the bride meant that this one definitely spoke more to me in black and white than colour.
Big thanks to the fab team behind the scenes…
Venues / @dukechapel @uclubnc , Coordination / @annie.suarezandco w/ @suarezandcoevents, Coordination Assistants / @faith.suarezandcoevents @amanda.suarezandco, Photographer / @joepaynephoto, Videographer / @austenhaneyvisuals, Florals / @fauxreal_flowers, Baker / @onceinabluemoonbakery, DJ / @djonestheone, Catering/Bar / @uclubnc, Officiant / @rcroff67, Bridesmaids Attire / @bellabridesmaidsraleigh, Dress / @newyorkbrideraleigh, Violinist / @davidscottviolin, HMUA / @perfectionbypatricia, Limo / @trianglecarservice, Guest Transportation / @carolina_livery