Wedding Ceremony: Immaculate Conception Church, Durham, NC
Wedding Reception: Durham Convention Center, Durham, NC
This was a special one for me as I met the happy couple last year when Sarah was a bridesmaid for her friend Candis at their wedding at the King’s Daughters Inn. We got on really well and, when I was introduced to her fiancé Jonathan later in the evening, they asked me then and there about shooting their wedding. I think Jonathan’s line was “You don’t seem to do all the cheesy stuff!”. Jonathan, I can verify that this is a fromage-free zone.
I really love weddings that have an international flavour and this was the third one in as many months where we had guests in from outside the USA. In this case, we had a strong contingent from Nicaragua, so being fluent in Spanish was definitely a bonus for the group shots. On the flip side, my total lack of salsa skills was disguised by the fact I was carrying a lot of camera equipment. I wish I always had that excuse.
I want to give a big thank you to Sarah and Jonathan and the wedding party for letting me do my thing. It was great spending the day with you all.
Incidentally, for my Cincinnati-based readers, Sarah and Jonathan will be moving to the Hyde Park area later this summer. Keep an eye out for them and make them feel as welcome as you did me.
As always, here are just a few of my personal favourites from the day.